Virtual/Hybrid (Course) - Impactful Leadership in the Virtual Environment

Impactful Leadership in the Virtual Environment

When it comes to leading in a virtual environment, you’ll have to forget a LOT of what you know about leading in a colocated world. Leading effectively in a virtual context is a whole new challenge! 

In this 2-hour Course, we will focus on three core strategies:

  • First, Rethink Leadership. You’ve got to reframe your mental model of what “effective leadership” looks like in order to adapt to the virtual context. 
  • Second, Reassess Your Strengths. You’ll need a new set of skills and competencies in the virtual environment, so you’ll need to reassess your strengths and weaknesses and how they apply in this new context.
  • And third, Restrategize how you're going to get your team engaged. Connecting with, aligning and inspiring your virtual team will require a unique set of strategies, practices and tools. You can’t just bring in coffee and donuts any more.
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