Intentional Collaboration

Intentional Collaboration

Have you ever felt the desire to just turn off all the distractions and emails messages and just get things done?! Alternatively, have you ever noticed individuals or teams in the same organization working in silos, not sharing information, ideas or resources?

Well, you're not alone.

It’s not an accident that these two polar opposites exist in tandem. We’re both overwhelmed with information and distractions, and at the same time, blocked by invisible barriers that keep teams apart!

The key is to be intentional about what style of engagement is right for each particular effort.

This highly interactive, experiential session explores the pros and cons of each level of engagement:

  • Isolation: Let’s be honest - there is value in Working Alone at times! Isolation gets a bad rap! There are many times when you just need to shut everything else out and get the job done. But obviously, on the other hand, if you’re working in isolation you only have access to your own limited resources, ideas and abilities.
  • Cooperation: Opening up the channels of communication to cooperate with others opens us up to the invaluable resources, ideas and capacity that others can offer. But, the reality is, it can get tricky! And all that communication comes at a price. The key question is, when should we partner with others, and to what extent? How can we open up the channels of communication to share ideas, share resources and share relationships - and do it in an effective way such that we can still be productive?
  • Collaboration: True collaboration isn’t just “cooperating” or “helping each other out”. True collaboration is co-creation - sharing resources and shared ownership. It can sound great to have access to so many ideas and resources and talents - but it’s not as simple as inviting everyone to the party! When is it the right time to move into true collaboration? That is, opening up my resources, welcoming your ideas and sharing co-ownership of the effort?

Applications:  This training applies powerfully to a variety of important topics:

  • Partnering Across Silos: Are there opportunities for partnerships that we are currently missing due to silos? What causes these silos, and how can we bridge them or break them down? Where can we extend our partnerships to achieve true collaboration, sharing resources, and working towards common objectives? What agreements and practices can help ensure that cooperation and collaboration with partners is efficient and mutually beneficial?
  • Team Building: How do individual team members prefer to work, and how can we accommodate individual preferences? What barriers exist to collaborating with each other? When should we give each other freedom to work alone, vs. when should we cooperate? What specific efforts would benefit from full collaboration? What steps can we take to make cooperation and collaboration more efficient and effective?
  • Maximizing Value: Are there people within our team that are not part of our idea-generating and/or decision-making processes? How can we take advantage of the valuable backgrounds, skills, and experiences of our team members to foster true collaboration? What steps can we take to ensure that all team member inputs are considered, so that we get the best possible ideas and decisions?

Training Kit:
The “Intentional Collaboration” Training Kit includes a boxed set of a bag of Building Blocks along with the Workbook which includes the activities, Discussion & Application Questions, and additional information on the topic of collaboration, effective communication and strengthening working relationships. 


  • The training kit cost is $75 per person (discounts are available for large groups).
  • The 4-hr Virtual Training Session delivered by John Riordan cost, including planning discussion with client, is $4,000.
  • Outstanding Associates are also available to deliver this impactful training at competitive rates.

I can highly recommend this as a very interactive, thought-provoking and applicable activity that everyone can take back and immediately put into practice with their teams, customers and partners!

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